Note: Because many words in this article are likely to trigger sp ^ m filters, we have them), disguised with symbols (such as sp ^ m. This will ensure a higher delivery rate if you use this book in your e-zine too.
If you want to sell your book online, you are virtually guaranteed sales by publishing an email newsletter or increase "e-zine."
Why? Well, for starters, it's a great opportunity to the readers an insight into their experiences and style along with samples of your content. This will ensurethey come to be familiar with you, trust you and hopefully buy your book when ready for more information.
It is also a good way to capture prospects * who are not willing to buy your book when they visit your site, but they also need the info, you are interested in shares.
Based on my own experiences in marketing my manual, "Boost Business with your own e-zine", here are 7 ways to increase the sales of books with an e-mail newsletter.
First: To promote the e-zineSignUps on your website where you promote your book.
Before you even start to publish, collect email addresses. Set a registration form at many places on your website visitors to subscribe to your free e-magazine. In this way, if a visitor does not purchase your book today are interested, they can sign up for your free e-zine. Now that you have not lost, and they learn even * more * about your book by a participant.
E-zine publishers also report GREAT results with pop-up notifications --and pop-under boxes at their Web sites.
Examples: On my main page,, function I have a registration form on every page and a pop-up window. On my site, the sale of books, / tutorial, I have a pop-under box that appears when you close the main window.
Remember: NEVER sign to all, without her permission!
Feature statements and / or tips from your book in your e-zine.
These can be either direct excerpts or short tips that summarize some of your content. GoHer book through and highlight individual tips or small sections that could also be on their own. Just Do not Give away the whole store! For example, by going to your readers a whole chapter of your book in every issue on board.
In addition to the lifting material directly from your book, try your theme is like a Top 10 list of tips, such as one-item list of resources, or a review of trends in the industry.
Example: One of my clients, a life coach, has a hard-coverBook out right now that over 101 tips on how to attract what you want in life has. Each edition of its weekly e-zine features one of these tips, along with a brief explanation of how to implement it.
Directly after your article, give a quick PROMO Blurb shameless plug that your book.
Why right after the article and before anything else? If someone reads your article / tip and says to himself: "Man, that was great information," they will be ready to hear what else do you have to on Stocksthis topic. Pump It Up and really have a good time with him.
Example: "Did today's article and if you did, you'll LOVE my new book, 'Double Your Business in six months." It is with more than 257 jammed great ideas to help you grow your business FAST. Learn more and order online now at [web address here]. You can start with my best tips in minutes! "
In each issue, offering a testimonial from one of your book purchasers.
Let your readers know that many other people like themARE buying your book and love it. Idea: Create a small section in your e-zine for this purpose. In each issue, here on a brief assessment from one of your readers.
Example, will say: "What 'Beauty Blastoff' Readers:" I can not tell you how much your book has helped me to improve my appearance. Thanks to your tips, I've lost 20 pounds cleaned up my skin, and let all my unwanted hair. Now my rich ex-husband also wants me back. You are a saint! "- Suzy Smitten, Los Angeles,California
Offer your readers a special discount for a l1mited time.
Make your readers something special, giving them a special discount on your book if you can. For the best response rate, making this a limited time offer to give a sense of urgency. I did that with my manual when it first time and received excellent results.
Example: "For subscribers only: Buy my book before midnight on Friday and receive a discount of 20%!"
If you do not give your subscribers a discount offer something differentSo they have something special, such as a bonus report or free phone consultation with the purchase.
Mention your book in so many places as possible in your e-zine.
Conclusion: The more you mention your book, your chances are higher that they will buy. While you are your possibilities are endless, here are a few ideas that start with are:
in your masthead (Here you can provide the reader with information about your publication - usually at the top.)
is in your editor or publisher's note (Thiswhere you give a personal touch to your readers.)
in your article (If you mention a certain point, you meet wonderful in your book say so!)
To attract even more interested to advertising your e-zine in your daily e-mail signature.
You know what a signature (or "sig" file), right? There is so little blurb with contact info that you will automatically see the end of each e-mail you to insert. Besides your obvious contact information, give a quick plug for your book, ande-zine.
Why? Well, if you just advertise your book, some people think your sig file, and: "It's cool to read, but I will not buy anything now." But if you advertise your FREE e-zine, they will probably get your offer. Then you have to have on your list.
Example: Here is what I have at the end of my sig file, after my contact: "boost business by publishing your own e-mail newsletter! Learn how now - sign up for fr * ee how-to - Tips for "
(c) 2000-2003 Alexandria K. Brown. All rights reserved.
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